What causes Breast Pain?

Breast Pain can be caused by many things and it is often difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Hormonal effects on breast tissue related to menstrual cycle, menopause, pregnancy, and lactation are among the most common causes. In some women, the pain may originate outside the breast, such as the muscles or chest wall. Certain medications, caffeine, and fatty diet have also been implicated in breast pain. Very rarely is breast pain associated with undiagnosed cancer.

Solutions for Breast Pain

Breast Pain can be difficult to treat because there is no single proven remedy that works for every woman. Some women get relief with making one simple change, but many women may have to try several strategies before finding what works for them. The following is a list of remedies you can try:

  1. Keep a log of the pain. You may find the pain is worse after certain activities and at certain times of your menstrual cycle.
  2. Have a professional bra fitting. Sometimes the pain is caused by inadequate support.
  3. Wear a high-intensity sports bra during workouts.
  4. Decrease or eliminate caffeine from your diet.
  5. Eat a low fat diet.
  6. Reduce your sodium intake to 2000-3000mg per day. Increase your water intake to help flush out the sodium.
  7. Please check with your provider about any non-steroidal or anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Naproxen (Aleve), or evening primrose oil.

Remember, you may need to try a few different solutions to find one that works best for you. It can sometimes take 2-3 months for you to notice a change. If the pain persists, you develop a lump, or a change of appearance occurs in either breast, please see your primary care provider or a breast health specialist.

Symptoms of Breast Pain

  • Tenderness in one or both breasts
  • Constant or intermittent pain
  • Dull pain or sharp shooting pain
  • Tightness in the chest muscle

Breast Pain
Information Sheet