Lung Scan
A Lung Scan, also referred to as a V/Q scan, is performed to study the lungs, checking for the presence of blood clots known as...
A Lung Scan, also referred to as a V/Q scan, is performed to study the lungs, checking for the presence of blood clots known as...
Nuclear Medicine/PET Imaging Bone Scan is done to study the bones for signs of arthritis, inflammation, cancer, or fractures. I...
Thyroid Scan is a nuclear medicine imaging which quantifies hyperthyroidism...
The Gastric Emptying Scan is the most commonly used test to study the transit time of a meal through the stomach. There are sev...
What is HIDA Scan? A Nuclear Medicine/PET Imaging Hepatobiliary Scan is done to study the gallbladder and bile ducts for signs ...
This exam helps determine how blood is flowing to the muscle of the heart. Imaging of the heart is performed after injection of...