Ashley Jilek Receives MHSCN Award of Excellence
MINNEAPOLIS, December 5, 2013 — Consulting Radiologists, Ltd. (CRL)’s Marketing Coordinator, Ashley Jilek was presented with the Minnesota Health Strategy & Communications Network (MHSCN) “Honorable Mention Award of Excellence” for the 2012 Quality Report on November 13.
The report was chosen from among many submissions to be recognized on the basis of overall design, content, and partner feedback provided by Scott Studden, Director of Radiology at St. Luke’s in Duluth. The award was presented during the largest competitive category of the evening at MHSCN’s Fall Conference at the Science Museum of Minnesota.
The award recognizes excellence in health care marketing, communications, web-based strategies and public relations. Entries were judged by a respected panel of health marketing and communications professionals from across the United States.
The competition for Awards of Excellence is open to all public relations and marketing professionals employed by health care providers, health plans, and other health-related businesses and non-profit organizations in Minnesota, as well as to agencies and independent professionals serving eligible organizations.
Ashley was accompanied at the ceremony by Matt Servaty, Account Manager. CRL would like to congratulate Ashley and all those involved in the compilation, production and submission for consideration of the CRL 2012 Quality Report for this well-deserved recognition of their efforts.

Ashley accepting the award with MHSCN’s President, Jen Schliesman